St.Pr.St.Grazia WE
Pilgrim's Red a.d Gina D x Dressman I x Folklore
DR Weser-Ems/147.5cm
Breeder: Reinhard Kramer, Lathen
Owner: Reinhard Kramer, Lathen
1.reserve champion mare district show
Uelsen 2006 -
2nd Reserve Champion Mare Elite Mare Show
Weser-Ems 2006 -
SLP winner 2006
5th place in the final of the
Bundeschampionat 2006 -
qualified for the Bundeschampionat 2008
Bronze medal 6 year old dressage ponies 2009
Circle Champion with Janet Egbers
dressage 2009 -
L-dressage won, FEI won
2007: Graziella
Since 2017 back in breeding:
2018: licensed stallion Destination of Danny Gold T
2019: licensed stallion by Dating AT
2020: Filly Glücksfee T by Dating AT
2021: Filly Grace Deluxe by Cosmopolitan NRW

Hilkens Black Delight x Pilgrims Red x Dressman I

Danny Gold x Pilgrims Red x Dressman I

Cosmopolitan NRW x Pilgrims Red x Dressman I

Hilkens Black Delight x Pilgrims Red x Dressman I