El.St.Pr.St. Sophia
Champus K a.d. Sophie x Dressman I x Black Boy
DR Weser-Ems/148cm
Winning mare district show Uelsen 2009
Reserve Champion Mare Elite Mare Show Weser-Ems 2009
SLP successfully stored
2010: Champagner Royale, Champion Foal German Foal Championships
2012: licensed stallion Dirigent AT, reserve champion stallion Weser-Ems 2014
2013: Filly by Dance Star AT sold to Austria
2014: Colt by D-Day AT, winner dressage horses A
2015: Filly by Daily Pleasure WE
2016: Colt Neverland WE by FS Numero Uno, Champion Stallion Weser-Ems, Bronze medal winner of the 3-year old and 5-year old stallions Bundeschampionat 2019 and 2021, double national champion 2019 and 2020, victorious in A and L level dressage tests, Bundeschampion of the 6 y/o dressage ponies 2022, Bundessiegerhengst 2023 in Berlin
2017: Filly Summerland by FS Numero Uno, Reserve Champion Mare District Show 2020
2020: Colt Nevermind by FS Numero Uno
2021: Colt by FS Numero Uno
2023: Colt by DSP Cosmo Royale

FS Numero Uno x Champus K x Dressman I